Refunds, returns and cancellations are subject to certain conditions. Please read carefully to understand our policies.


To request a refund for any reason, you must request your refund in writing via prior to 12:00 noon EST the day the order is scheduled for shipment from any of our storage facilities.

Any written refund request made via after 12:00 noon EST the day the order is scheduled for shipment prior to FedEx picking up the order will be subjected to a 10% restocking charge.

All Cosmetic/Research Use Product returns will not be accepted nor refundable by Samhar, Inc., DBA: Samhar Cosmetics, and all Cosmetic/Research use fees are final and non-refundable once product is picked up by FedEx, UPS, Courier, Sponsor, or Client from any of our shipping/storage facilities.

Approved refunds are processed the same day or next day, but it may take 5-10 business days to see the funds in your bank or credit card account, depending on your bank.


Samhar Cosmetics does not accept any returns nor issue refunds for product that has been picked up by FedEx, UPS, Courier, Sponsor, or Client from any of our shipping/storage facilities.

Cancelling an order

You can cancel an order for a full refund without any additional fees if you request it in writing via prior to 12:00 noon EST the same day you placed the order. No exceptions.